Tag Archives: memrun

MRTC 1st 10K

MRTC 1st 10K
7:00 a.m.
Shelby Farms
Memphis, TN

Races Completed: 4

I know it’s been like a week since this race, but this week was stupid-crazy at work.

The weather for the first 10K was unbelievably amazing. It had rained the day or so prior, so the heat and humidity both dropped significantly.

I actually ran the first four miles without stopping! I walked maybe half of mile 4, then ran the remainder of the race! I’m really proud of myself.






Chick-fil-A 5K
9:00 a.m.
Downtown Memphis/Autozone Park
Memphis, TN

Races Completed: 3

Third race in my challenge. Hot, humid, and a giant hill close to the end. Definitely not my fastest time, but it was fun.

Awesome things: conquered the big-ass hill on Beale, free Chick-fil-a, running the bases in Autozone Park, awesome swag.




There’s still 11 days before my birthday, but I’m going to document tomorrow’s MRTC 5-miler in Bartlett. I haven’t run in, like, 4 days due to: house-sitting; awful luck; awful work schedule; crazy long work days…so it should be an interesting run. I’m guessing an estimated finish time of anywhere between 1:15 to 1:30.

EDIT: Yeah, I forgot to update with the first 5-miler. Sorry.

T-minus 18 days

I got the idea for this from a former co-worker who started a “30 By 30” blog. I want to run 27 races before I turn 28, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’m still looking forward to it. I’ve got a list started and I’ll post it soon. I’ll probably have to make some changes during the year (due to my current work schedule changing every week).

I’d like to try to update after each race with how it went to check my progress. I’ve got a race coming up next Sunday (the MRTC 1st 5-miler), so I can start tracking my progress now.